ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 3月29日 03時08分

Photo by @petekmuller for @ナショナルジオグラフィック. The bustling streets of #Bouake, #IvoryCoast during a market day. Bouake is Ivory Coast's second largest city, after #Abidjan, and has an economy based largely around the cotton industry. I shot in this market for about an hour, hoping to capture a sense of the crowded and bustling nature of the city on market days. At times, I find street photography very challenging, particularly in crowded environments. By nature, when photographing such scenes, gaining individual permission from each person is virtually impossible. At times, certain individuals can become understandably aggressive, convinced that the photographer is making an image of them rather than of the scene as a whole. Regardless of where I am in the world, I am often nervous when I commence a street photography session. I completely understand why certain people feel suspicious or frustrated by having their picture taken by a stranger. To me, this type of street shooting is often the most difficult part of any project. I was so relieved and grateful in this market to find people calm, friendly and engaging. #Africa #West #market #crowds #photography #street #streetphotography

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