ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 3月8日 02時31分

Photo by @BrianSkerry
A Gray Seal folds its flippers and poses underwater in the Gulf of Maine. Extending from Cape Cod to Nova Scotia, the Gulf of Maine and its surrounding waters have been the economic bedrock of New England’s coastal communities, supporting a wide variety of commercial and recreational activities. Unfortunately, many factors currently threaten the vitality of the Gulf of Maine ecosystem today. Decades of pollution of our marine waterways, coastal habitat destruction, overfishing and bottom trawling have wrought havoc in the form of extensive habitat loss and diminished biodiversity. Restoring health to these important resources as rapidly as possible is an imperative.
@thephotosociety @natgeocreative #newenglandoceanodyssey #gulfofmaine #maine #nikonambassador #seals

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