ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 2月16日 03時14分

Musher Brent Sass (@bwildfree) crosses American Summit into the Eagle, Alaska checkpoint. Photo by Katie Orlinsky (@katieorlinsky) who is on assignment covering the Yukon Quest for National Geographic News.
Every year, mushers and dog teams competing in the Yukon Quest travel across 1,000 miles of frozen sub-Arctic wilderness, from Canada's Yukon Territory into the heart of the Alaskan interior. The race, less well known than the Iditarod but famous for being tougher, is unpredictable, exciting, and filled with colorful characters - it teaches us about the people and the cultures whose land it passes through.
#YQ2015 #YukonQuest #dogsledrace #natgeonews #adventure #yukon #canada #onassignment


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