ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 9月13日 20時44分

Photo by @Tim Laman. Colors of the #coralreef. Though they are common and famous, it is impossible to avoid the allure of an anemonefish when diving in the Pacific region, such as here off Pulau Tioman, Malaysia. This is the false anemonefish, Amphiprion ocellaris, (one of around thirty species in all) nestled among the tentacles of its host anemone, and the pink background is the body of the anemone. In a classic example of a mutualistic relationship, the fish, which has a special layer of mucus on its skin to make it immune to the tentacles stings, gains protection from the anemone, and in turn drives off intruders and removes parasites. #Malaysia, #scuba, @thephotosociety, @natgeocreative, @Tim Laman.


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