ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 8月18日 01時04分

photo by @vincentjmusi

Lioness, photographed @houstonzoo
Of the world's 37 species of cats, 8 reign as big cats. All are top predators in their realm and all are losing ground. They face habitat loss, illegal hunting and retaliatory killing. Conservationists see hope if we all pull together.
The Big Cats Initiative is a long-term effort to halt the decline of big cats in the wild. BCI supports efforts to save big cats through assessment efforts, on-the-ground conservation projects, education, economic incentive programs and a global public-awareness campaign. Visit www.causeanuproar.org.

We worked closely with the Houston Zoo creating makeshift studios in each of the enclosures that housed these captive animals. Some of these images appeared in a special "Cats in Crisis" supplement in December 2011.

I’m humbled that so many of you have written me about purchasing these photographs.
Next week, I’ll post a link to purchase small prints with a portion of the proceeds going directly to Big Cats Initiative @vincentjmusi


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