ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 4月29日 01時08分

Photo: @randyolson Randy Olson - Currently on assignment for @ナショナルジオグラフィック with writer @neilshea13. | Turkana woman gathering firewood outside Kakuma refugee camp on the Sudan border. The tribes in Kenya's Lake Turkana and southern Ethiopia's Omo Valley have been left alone for thousands of years. There were no roads into these areas in the 90's. But with the first dirt roads came intrepid anthropologists, photographers and tourists - probably in that order. Tourists came to see unique cultural practices and women with lip plates. All of our collective ancestors walked out of this "cradle of mankind" area and populated the planet. The tribes I photograph are the ones that are still here. These tribes won't be here in this way for long. There is oil exploration, sugar plantations and the Ethiopian government's solution to bringing this out of the stone age is to drop Africa's largest hydroelectric project onto the river that brought all this life in the first place. @thephotosociety @geneticislands #nationalgeographic #kenya #turkana #portrait
#culture #latergram #border #sudan #conflict


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Valeriya Volkovaのインスタグラム
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