ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 4月23日 07時28分

By @fritzphotos - on assignment for NatGeo in #Silicon Valley. #Hangar One was built in the 1930s for the #dirigible #airship USS Macon at the Naval Air Station #Moffett Field, now #NASAs Ames Research Center in #Mountain View, California. (The Macon crashed off California's Big Sur and was lost their in 1935) The hangar covers eight acres and is one of the largest free standing #structures in the world. It originally was skinned with materials of asbestos. That skin was removed as part of EPA #Superfund remediation. It was a fun afternoon extending the 50 foot aerial boom up inside the hangar for pictures that will be part of upcoming story.

#Google has recently leased the hangar, Moffett Field and parts of Ames under their #Planetary Ventures, a legal entity of the tech giant. Moffett is already used by Google for its private jets. The hangar will be re-skinned but still unknown how Google will use it. I heard a gaggle of suggestions while there including for development of Google Drones and another as indoor snow skiing park. What's your guess?


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