下條ユリのインスタグラム(yurishimojo) - 4月9日 17時06分

[百の桜] http://t.co/QYQ4FRYwNK

#RudyTheRudeboy meets #銀次親分物語
ギャラリーエフのIzumiさんによる #下條ユリメメントモリ のまとめとそのすべてを読んでください。(ギャラリーエフ 浅草・銀次親分日記 で検索 )
I know it doesn't link to the page (or check my tweet @下條ユリ )
I know it's written in Japanese, but I have to share this because this is very special blog by very special person. It's written by Izumi, the beautiful owner of Gallery Ef Asakusa, the famous mama of Ginji the Charisma Cat ( he has 240,000 followers in all over Japan ) who became a Buddha cat 100days ago. Izumi san wrote about Memento Mori, the end, the beginning, the life, miraculous 縁(en-fate...My most favorite word of all but there's no equivalent translation in English), bond between animals and humans and again, life... 100% sales of my "Voices from 2011" prints go to the food of her outstanding volunteer work - she goes to Iidate Village in Fukushima to feed stull survived abandoned animals every week.
She tweet @iz_gin


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