ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 2月27日 07時09分

Photo by @jimmy_chin
I'm always surprised by the diversity of lifestyles on the planet, the way people dress, play, work. Yet at the end of the day, it's comforting to find people are all essentially human in their need for family, fun and curiosity of those different from them etc. I got to spend a few days with these Dogon hunters in the Bandiagara region of Mali. We didn't speak the same language but we hung out, shared water, food and a few laughs and I got to meet their families that lived in Anasazi like dwellings in the nearby sandstone cliffs. We spent the evenings watching vultures circling slowly over the horizon instead of TV. In some ways, our lives couldn't have looked more different but on many levels, we had everything in common. @thephotosociety


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