ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 8月21日 11時01分

Red-bellied checkered beetle preying on a mountain pine beetle, CO. Photo by @peteressick. It is a beetle-eat-beetle world out there, that's for sure. At this time of year, the larger beetle patrols the pine trees as a predator on the prowl, looking to make a meal of its smaller cousin as it walks up the bark infesting trees. The gruesome events starts when the predator rips off the head of the mountain pine beetle and then eats it piece by piece. Most of us adult humans have probably run into someone who operates at a level not far above the predator beetle, According to this month's natgeo, all living things evolved from a single gene 1.6 billion years ago, so it would stand to reason that the same ruthless genes of the predator beetle are in us, too. Our human history is littered with examples of people acting badly towards their fellow human beings, atrocities performed in the name of false doctrines of religious, racial or nationalistic superiority. However, IMHO what works for the predator beetle doesn't work for us. We have an evolved brain that enables greater understanding and an ability to see beyond the next meal. We now have the power to turn off our selfish genes and find fulfillment in sharing and helping others. We can form global communities to build a better world. Or as Langston Hughes once said: Bring me all of your dreams, away from the too-rough fingers of the world.


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