ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 8月1日 20時56分

Dead Ponderosa Pine, Northern Colorado. Photo by @peteressick. Jenny Briggs of the US Geological Survey has been doing research on the effects of the mountain pine beetle hoping to understand better why some trees are attacked and others are spared. In the last few years, about 2/3 of the trees in this stand of ponderosa pines have been killed, including this distinctively shaped tree. Next week I am heading back into the field to photograph more for the upcoming NG article. This will be the time when most of the beetles infest new trees. In all likelihood millions of trees in the western USA and Canada will be killed in the next couple of weeks. If you live in one of the affected areas the results will be apparent whether you vote Democrat, Republican or Independent. The recent outbreak of mountain pine beetles is an important case study on one of the consequences of climate warming that was not anticipated just a decade ago. We all should be taking notice. More posts to come from the deep woods.


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