ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 6月13日 03時48分

Photo: @stevewinterphoto This young tiger is a victim of the human-animal conflict. Considered a "problem tiger", he was removed from his natural habitat and placed in captivity where he's been for three years. While in captivity he was mysterious declawed, ruining his chances of returning to the wild, where he truly belongs.
Learn more about whats being done to help keep tigers in the wild in my @ナショナルジオグラフィック book, Tigers Forever. 10% of proceeds from the book go to @PantheraCats tiger conservation program. Pre-order it here bit.ly/16O0CO1 and get it in November!
cameratrap #wildlife #wildlifephotography #conservation #endangeredspecies #tigersinthewild


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