Valiant Language Schoolのインスタグラム(valiantjapanese) - 11月1日 21時25分

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Simple Japanese : Wonder 🥺
Use code : MOMIJI
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Example Sentences below 👇

驚き (Odoroki) - Meaning: "wonder" or "surprise"

新しい発見には常に驚きが伴います。 (Atarashii hakken ni wa tsuneni odoroki ga tomonaimasu.)
Translation: New discoveries always come with wonder.
不思議 (Fushigi) - Meaning: "mystery" or "wonder"

この場所は不思議な魅力があります。 (Kono basho wa fushigi na miryoku ga arimasu.)
Translation: This place has a mysterious charm.
疑問 (Gimon) - Meaning: "question" or "wonder"

私はその疑問に答えを探しています。 (Watashi wa sono gimon ni kotae o sagashiteimasu.)
Translation: I am searching for answers to that question.
驚嘆 (Kyoutan) - Meaning: "admiration" or "wonder"

彼の才能には驚嘆しました。 (Kare no sainou ni wa kyoutan shimashita.)
Translation: I admired his talent in wonder.
疑念 (Ginen) - Meaning: "doubt" or "wondering"

彼の言葉に疑念がよぎりました。 (Kare no kotoba ni ginen ga yogirimashita.)
Translation: Doubt crossed my mind about his words.
おどろき (Odoroki) - Meaning: "astonishment" or "wonder"

彼の演技にはおどろきました。 (Kare no engi ni wa odorokimashita.)
Translation: I was astonished by his performance.
神秘 (Shinpi) - Meaning: "mystery" or "wonder"

この森は神秘的な雰囲気が漂っています。 (Kono mori wa shinpi-tekina fun'iki ga tadayotteimasu.)
Translation: This forest has a mysterious atmosphere.
疑問符 (Gimonfu) - Meaning: "question mark" or "symbol of wonder"

その文の最後に疑問符があります。 (Sono bun no saigo ni gimonfu ga arimasu.)
Translation: There is a question mark at the end of that sentence.



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