TIME Magazineのインスタグラム(time) - 10月31日 02時43分

“It’s become clear to me: This is not my time,” Mike Pence told donors in Las Vegas on Saturday.

He suspended his campaign and took a not-so-veiled swipe at his former boss, ex-President Donald Trump: "I urge all my fellow Republicans here, give our country a Republican standard bearer that will, as Lincoln said, appeal to the better angels of our nature." He then added that the nominee should be someone who can lead the country with "civility."

But it might be too late. Trump is faring better today than even when he was on the cusp of the nomination in 2016, when the highest he ever got was 49% support in the final CNN poll, released the first week of May 2016.

At the link in bio, Philip Elliott on the challenge Pence faces: who to endorse.

Photograph by Christopher Lee (@theotherchrislee) for TIME


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