メトロポリタン美術館のインスタグラム(metmuseum) - 9月25日 00時59分

✨Shana Tova to those observing Yom Kippur✨

Today, we shine a spotlight on a truly exceptional piece from our collection—the magnificent Torah Crown (keter). This 18th-century Italian silver masterpiece is a rare survivor of its time. Crafted by Andrea Zambelli, it is a testament to the artistic virtuosity of goldsmithing in Venice.

The intricate motifs on this crown include references to priestly garments, a miniature temple, a menorah, and the Tablets of the Law, inscribed with the Ten Commandments in Hebrew. Such lavish embellishments reflect the prosperity and influence of the Venetian Jewish congregation.

In synagogues, the Torah scroll, the sacred first five books of the Hebrew Bible, is adorned with vestments and silver ornaments, including a crown. This ornate crown augments the regality of the Torah, symbolizing its profound significance in Jewish life.

This Yom Kippur, let us reflect on the rich history and enduring significance of the Torah, the heart of Jewish tradition. May this day of atonement bring peace, reflection, and renewal to all who observe it. G'mar Chatimah Tovah!

👑 Andrea Zambelli "L'Honnesta" (Italian,1732–1772). Torah crown (keter), ca. 1740–50. Silver, parcel gilt.


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