La Roche-Posayのインスタグラム(larocheposay) - 9月12日 01時52分

Looking to improve the appearance of your skin? Stop scrolling! Each of the unique active ingredients in the Effaclar Serum has their own benefits, but when combined, they work in synergy to change your skin for the better!

1️⃣ Salicylic acid penetrates deep into skin to unclog pores helping decrease blemishes.
2️⃣ Glycolic acid helps removes dead skin cells for a smoother texture and a more even skin tone.
3️⃣ Lipo-Hydroxy acid (LHA) micro-exfoliating effect helps activate skin renewal for a smoother complexion.

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#larocheposay #effaclar #blemishes #acneproneskin #sensitiveskin
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