La Roche-Posayのインスタグラム(larocheposay) - 8月13日 01時00分

🚗 On the road again? Don't let UV rays hitch a ride! Did you know that UV rays can penetrate windows and harm your skin? That's right!
So, whenever you're on the road, remember to keep your sun protection handy.
Sunscreen is your road trip's best co-pilot against premature aging, skin damage, and the risk of cancer.

All languages spoken here! Feel free to talk to us at anytime.
#larocheposay #anthelios #sunprotection #sensitiveskin #roadtrip
Global official page from La Roche-Posay, France.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




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