cafe_no_maのインスタグラム(cafe_no_ma) - 9月1日 14時57分

English follows Japanese



とくに印象に残っているのが、大阪 千里中央の喫茶店「ニューアストリア」。昭和の香りがいまも色濃く残る、長き老舗の名店です。ここで注文したのは、いつもトーストとミックスジュース。



エッセイでは、今現在、私がおすすめする厚切りバタートーストのレシピや、おすすめの食べ方、お気に入りのショップについてもまとめています。よろしければ、プロフィールリンク( @cafe_no_ma )から、ウェブマガジン「エブリデイ コーヒー リトリート」をご覧ください。

Thick-cut toast. Just hearing these words brings back a flood of memories and emotions.

Being the youngest of three sisters, I often found myself accompanying my mother to cafés after her shopping trips when I was little. I've always been particular about how I eat my toast, and this preference traces back to those times.

One café that stands out in my memory is 'New Astoria' in Senri Chuo, Osaka. It's a venerable establishment that still carries the rich ambiance of the Showa era. My usual order there was always toast and a mixed fruit juice.

The toast at New Astoria is grilled on an iron plate. Every time an order is placed, the staff would fetch a slice of bread from its bag, swiftly and skillfully placing it on the hot plate. As a young girl, I would watch their every move, utterly fascinated. These childhood memories have shaped and refined my ideal way of enjoying toast.

Ever since I was little, what excited me most about visiting a café was the toast. Even now, as an adult, whenever I travel to different regions, I'm always on the lookout for local cafés offering 'morning' toast specials.

In my essay, I also share my recommended thick-cut butter toast recipe, my favorite ways to enjoy it, and introduce some of my beloved toast shops. If you're interested, please check out the web magazine 'Everyday Coffee Retreat' through my profile link ( @cafe_no_ma ).


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




