詩歩のインスタグラム(shiho_zekkei) - 8月29日 18時38分

📍愛媛県 泉谷棚田 / Izumi-dani rice terraces ,Ehime Japan
📷 23rd Aug 2023

「日本の棚田百選」に選ばれている #泉谷棚田 。愛媛県内からは3ヶ所選ばれていて、中でも松山市や道後温泉から一番近いのがこちらです。


急な山の斜面を切り開くように、小さく並んだ田んぼ。ここまで来るのでさえ大変なのに、さらに手作業で作業をするのは本当に大変なことだなあ…👏 写真を撮っていたら田んぼに人の気配を感じたけれど、それはカカシでした。笑


愛媛県さんのお仕事で取材してきました!過去の写真は #詩歩のえひめ旅 にて / Posts of this area can be found in this tag. #shiho_ehime

The Izumidani Rice Terraces have been selected as one of the '100 best rice terraces in Japan'. Three sites have been selected from Ehime Prefecture, with this one being the closest to #MatsuyamaCity and #DogoOnsen .

Access is quite difficult, even by car. You have to drive up a narrow mountain road to the point where you think, "Is it really just up ahead?" After climbing up a narrow mountain road, a view of #riceterraces spreads out when you look down. The #ricepaddies are lined up in small rows, as if carved out of the steep mountain slopes. It's really hard work to get here, and even harder to work by hand... While I was taking photos, I felt the presence of someone in the rice paddies, but it was a scarecrow. 😂 The day we visited was after the rain, so there was a little sea of clouds at dusk, which made for a fantastic sight.

アクセス情報はこちら @iyokannet https://www.iyokannet.jp/spot/1570



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