詩歩のインスタグラム(shiho_zekkei) - 8月28日 19時32分

📍愛媛県 来島海峡大橋 / Kurushima Kaikyo Bridges ,Ehime Japan
📷 22nd Aug2023


ここは #しまなみ海道 の一部、愛媛県の今治と大島をつなぐ #来島海峡大橋



胃のあたりが”ヒュンっ”ってしました😂 いや〜、こんな場所まで来れちゃうなんて、本当にすごい👏住んでいる人でも、なかなかこんな体験できないのでは!?本当にレアな体験でした✨✨

橋のテッペンまで行くには、事前にツアーに申込む必要があります。次回は10月〜開催なので、ぜひ「来島海峡大橋 登頂ツアー」で検索してみてください🔍

愛媛県さんのお仕事で取材してきました!過去の写真は #詩歩のえひめ旅 にて / Posts of this area can be found in this tag. #shiho_ehime

Spectacular view of the Seto Inland Sea from the top of the bridge! This is the #KurushimaKaikyoBridge , part of the #ShimanamiKaido, connecting Imabari and Oshima in Ehime Prefecture. The bridge is approximately 4 km long and is the collective name for a series of three suspension bridges, a rarity in the world.

Did you know that recently there is a popular tour where you can climb to the top of the bridge? The top is about 184 m high, the equivalent of 52 floors of a building! Normally, you can’t enter this place, but specially you can go up here! There are no lifelines, so it’s so exciting that even I was a little scared. It’s amazing that you can come to a place like this. To get to the top of the bridge, you need to sign up for a tour in advance. The next tour will be held from October, so please search for ‘Kurushima Kaikyo Bridge Climbing Tour’ .

愛媛の観光情報はこちら @iyokannet https://www.iyokannet.jp/



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