VICEのインスタグラム(vice) - 6月30日 00時50分

Minutes after coming into contact with a partner’s semen, some people feel a burning-itching sensation and notice redness and swelling wherever it lands. Many fear their reaction is the first sign of some nebulous infections—these are among the best-known signs of STIs, after all. But these may actually be symptoms of a condition called seminal plasma hypersensitivity, colloquially known as a semen allergy. ⁠

Recent analyses suggest at least 40,000 women in the U.S. experience seminal plasma hypersensitivity—but despite doctors first identifying the issue 60 years ago, the research is minimal. There are no confirmed cases of men who are allergic to cum, though a few researchers believe that guys can develop allergies to their own semen and exhibit completely different symptoms. ⁠

To find how people manage sex alongside a semen allergy, VICE spoke to Lucy, who was diagnosed with the condition over a decade ago. Keep reading at the link in our bio.


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