スミソニアン博物館のインスタグラム(smithsonian) - 5月25日 21時40分

Look at this stuff. Isn’t it neat?

Dive in as we uncover the wonders of this quilt by artist Michael Cummings. Inspired by a Yoruba goddess, Yemaja, a deity of love, faith, and purity, she can transform herself into a human when visiting land. Cummings has used the images of the parrot and fish to represent Yemaja’s power over both land and sea.

Like Ariel’s grotto, “Haitian Mermaid #2” is filled with a wide variety of materials, including beads, sequins, and hand-dyed and antique fabrics. Cummings has combined bright colors with dark tones of blue and black to suggest a tranquil night scene.

Image from @americanart:
Michael Cummings, “Haitian Mermaid # 2,” 1996, machine pieced, quilted, and appliquéd commercial and hand-dyed cotton, synthetic and antique fabrics, found objects, sequins, and beads


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