東京DANDYのインスタグラム(tokyodandy) - 4月16日 16時04分

After Mino Matsuri, I jumped on a bus for a couple of hours’ journey into the suburbs of Tejikara, Gifu City. For the past three hundred years, a fire festival has been held here on the second Saturday of April. On this night, all roads lead to Tejikara Shrine, where 20m high lanterns are lit to pray for a bountiful harvest. Although Spring festivals in Japan differ in their rituals, prayers for a good harvest are their common goal. Shrines are paraded through the streets; donations are greeted with firecrackers, chimes, and cheers. What comes next is explosive. Waterfalls of fireworks cascade down on the backs of the guys carrying the portable shrines, themselves loaded with fireworks that continue to go off, creating the most incredible cacophony of light, fire, smoke, and sound.

#手力雄神社 #手力の火祭 #matsuri #fire #festival #まつり #firecrackers #festival #Gifu #岐阜県 #手力雄神社 #蔵前 #火祭 #火祭り #手力の火祭 #手力 #岐阜市 #金幣社


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