Julia Gilasのインスタグラム(juliagilas) - 2月22日 00時30分

🧐How to get ABS?

What if I were to tell you doing...
1. Hundreds of burpees,
2. Sit-ups,
3. Bicycle kicks, and every ab exercise that you may ASSUME is the KEY for fat loss.....

☝🏻IS NOT needed to reach your goal. Feeling a BURN does not miraculously strip fat off your body.

Here ARE 3 ways to help you lose weight:👇🏻

1. STOP GIVING UP SO EASILY.❗️You can’t expect to see results when you give it your all for 3 weeks THEN decide 😩to give up all because you aren’t seeing rapid progress. Progress takes ⌛️🐢TIME and putting in 😅work every single day whether you want to or not. If it were that easy every person would be in the best shape. Giving up will only lead you back to square 1.

You do your calculations and you know you need to be eating 1,500 calories to lose weight. If you decide to eat more than that you are now in a surplus which means you will not 🙅🏽‍♀️lose weight. I’m NOT talking about going over a minuscule amount which is alright, but I am saying that if you think you can eat hundreds of 🐽extra calories you will NOT see success. If you were to drastically bump up your activity level then maybe, but majority of individuals aren’t going to be working out like a 🚀maniac. If you are.....keep up the wonderful work!

3. STRENGTH 🏋🏽‍♀️TRAIN. ❗️Stop doing hours of cardio, HIIT classes, and needing to feel like you need to pass out in order to get results. That’s fine if you enjoy doing that for fun, but don’t feel obligated to if you think that is the only route. Instead, lift heavy weights. You will NOT bulk up. You will get in your 💪🏻BEST shape once you properly strength train. I promise that if you lift properly, you will get defined abs more than you would doing hundreds of crunches.

Don’t equate feeling a 🔥 burn, 😅sweating, or doing hours of tedious 🚴🏼‍♀️cardio to RESULTS. Those factors do NOT determine the results you will get. Put in the work, and stop🙅🏽‍♀️ making excuses.


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