CNBCのインスタグラム(cnbc) - 1月28日 00時31分

Call them the Reddit Rich. 👀⁠

GameStop’s parabolic stock surge over the past two weeks, driven partly by the Reddit Wallstreetbets crowd, has created more than $2 billion in personal wealth for the company’s three biggest individual shareholders. While it may not last long, the massive shareholder gains created in such a short time gives new meaning to the notion of instant wealth in the digital age.⁠

The chief beneficiary of the GameStop rise is Ryan Cohen, the co-founder of Chewy, who made an investment in GameStop last year in an effort to help the company accelerate its push online. Cohen has invested a total of $76 million for a stake of about 13% of the company. As of the market close Tuesday, Cohen’s 13% stake was worth over $1.3 billion. So over the past two weeks, Cohen’s net worth increased an average of $90 million a day, or nearly $4 million per hour.⁠

Link in bio for more details.


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