CNBCのインスタグラム(cnbc) - 1月25日 07時30分

During his first days in office, President Joe Biden has urged Congress to pass his proposed coronavirus relief package. His $1.9 trillion plan, which includes provisions like a third round of $1,400 stimulus checks to many taxpayers and their dependents, has faced opposition from a few Republicans, but also garnered support from business leaders and CEOs. ⁠

Among them is Michelle Gass, CEO of Kohl’s. ⁠

“Anything that puts money into the pockets of our consumers is a good thing,” Gass said on Friday, when asked whether additional stimulus would trickle down to the company’s sales.⁠

“It’s been a long strain over the last year, and we advocate for things that are good for the interest of our customers. We look forward to that,” she said. In fact, she is optimistic for 2021. “Consumers coming out of Covid will be different than consumers going in,” Gass said.⁠

Full story at the link in bio. (With @CNBCMakeIt)


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