ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 1月13日 00時39分

Photo by @paulnicklen / When you free dive down to eye level with a mother humpback and her calf, there is a lot to consider. One of the most important things running through my mind is, How do I position myself in front of these whales with as little movement as possible, so they are not disturbed? Easier said than done. We were with this mother and calf for over an hour before I dared attempt my first free dive down to her. It was only once I was 40 feet deep that I began inching closer, carefully monitoring her reaction. Humpbacks have exceptional buoyancy control and move their pectoral flukes to counter the current, the swell, or, in this case, the calf's movement as it repositioned itself under its mother's body. I wondered, Was she moving her pectoral fluke now to compensate for one of these things, or was she adjusting her distance as I got too close? When it comes to wildlife, I always err on the side of caution—no picture is worth the disturbance of an animal. My lungs burned from the extended breath-hold dive, but I refused to rush to the surface and, instead, gently created distance before allowing myself to float up without a single kick. At the end of the day, the relationship I maintain with wildlife is the most important part of my job. Follow me @paulnicklen, where I encourage everyone to be respectful guests in the homes of the animals with which we share this planet. Under Special Interaction Permit (Regulation 13) from the Ministry of Tonga. #whale #humpback #calf #mother #tonga


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