ケン・ロックゼンのインスタグラム(kenroczen94) - 1月1日 12時07分

2020 wasn’t too bad after all. In the end, I got my first win, 1092 days after my last win and injury. I followed it up with 3 more wins throughout the year for 4 total! I may not have got the championship but I sure as heck was in the hunt of it. And just a few years after I got badly injured and wasn’t sure if I could continue, never mind at the highest level.

I got 4 more wins under my belt and I became a Dad. Those 2 things alone are life changing experiences. The world has had its kinks and experiences that are far from good. But for the people that are in the same boat as me (added a healthy member to the family, had some success at their job but more importantly are healthy going into 2021)...sounds like a good year to me!!! So to everyone that has made it through healthy, and for the people fighting for a better life... love you guys. 🍻 Its perspective. Try to find the good rather than focusing on the negative. It helps 🤙🏽. Love, Kenny


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