バイエルのインスタグラム(bayerofficial) - 10月30日 00時00分

With #BreastCancer being the most common cancer amongst women, there are also many myths flying around. We debunk five of them:

📌 Breast cancer always causes a lump you can feel ➡ A mammogram can find a cancerous lump before it can be felt. Although regular self-exams are recommended, they are not a substitute for regular mammograms.

📌 Small breasts equal a smaller risk of breast cancer ➡ Breast density is more important than the size when it comes to risk & screening because most types form outside of the fatty tissues of a woman’s breasts.

📌 Annual mammograms will guarantee the early detection of breast cancer ➡ Standard mammograms miss an estimated 20% of breast cancers. Especially for those at higher risk, additional screening such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is an important option.

📌 You can’t change your odds of getting breast cancer ➡ Most risk factors are beyond control (gender, age, genetics, personal & family medical history) but not a healthy lifestyle. More fat tissue leads to higher estrogen levels, which can increase breast cancer risk.

📌 All breast cancer is treated pretty much the same way ➡ Treatments are as individual as patients. Some breast cancer cells have receptors on their surface making it sensitive to hormones. Treatment with anti-hormonals can block the growth of cancer cells. However, some cancers get resistant over time. The need for additional treatment options beyond established anti-hormonal treatment approaches remains high.

#BreastCancerMyths #myths #BreastCancerAwarenessMonth #WomensHealth #CancerAwareness #treatment #diagnosis #enlightenment #Healthforall


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