ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 9月30日 15時40分

Photo by Luján Agusti @lujanag / Ushuaia, Argentina. Portrait of my niece, Eva. When the pandemic broke out, here on the island of Tierra del Fuego a strict quarantine was issued. We could only go out once a week to do our essential shopping. One day I went to the door of my sister's house to see my family from afar, and I took this photo through the window. This image perfectly represents what we felt at that moment, a mixture of boredom and anguish, although knowing it was the right thing to do. This image is part of the documentary piece the "New end of the world" that I made in collaboration with Nico Deluca for the @covid19visualproject for the Cortona On the Move Festival. Follow me at @lujanag to learn more about my life and work in Tierra del Fuego.


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Elsie Hewittのインスタグラム
Elsie Hewittさんがフォロー

