アリシア・キーズのインスタグラム(aliciakeys) - 9月17日 03時44分

This @zanelowe interview was everything!! 💜

This moment I’m talking about was a true revelation for me. Coming into the game so young at 15/16 years old, I thought everyone knew better than me. I ended up wearing so many masks & putting up so many walls to protect myself from a world that was so new to me. A world I didn’t understand. Somehow I found myself on a pedestal and I didn’t even know how I got there!! It was like I was carved out of stone and couldn’t (or didn’t allow myself to) evolve, change, grow or even break. ⁣

Now, it’s clear that will never work for me (or any of us) and that’s absolutely NOT WHERE I want to be or WHO I want to be! ⁣

That discovery has lead me to this #ALICIA music. To have more empathy for every side that’s within me and be open enough with myself to get to know me better and share it. I’ll NEVER hold back or be stuck in other people’s expectations ever again!! 🥂🥂🥂 I’m free and this ALICIA Music shares it all! I CANNOT wait for you to hear it this FRIDAY 9/18 💜💜💜


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する





