下條ユリのインスタグラム(yurishimojo) - 9月3日 23時18分

2020年 NYの夏、永遠の詩のような映画ができました。

I hope this film will be remembered as one of the real documentaries to present how New York artists lived through summer of 2020

This beautiful short film is a collaboration between filmmaker Toddy Stewart, the painter Yuri Shimojo, and composer Aki Onda, commissioned by Praise Shadows Art Partners. Toddy donned his protective equipment and joined Yuri in her studio in the East Village, her art having momentarily evolved into a sustained prayer for the environment, the state of the world and her own creative process during a time of pandemic quarantine. A film as meditation on a single morning’s work.

Director: @endlessbummerny
Composer: @akionda
Artist: @下條ユリ
Length: 8:17

#worksondigitalpaper #PraiseShadowsArt #KingstonGallery #Meditation #ToddyStewart #AkiOnda

#anUnbrokenLine #YuriShimojo
#途切れない一本の線 #下條ユリ


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