安間佐千のインスタグラム(sachiamma) - 9月3日 17時45分


Very hot days have continued since the end of rainy season. But we were in the rainy clouds all day long yesterday. And maybe because of the full moon, my feelings was very closed. I wasn’t in the mood but I decided to give a try for Sumikabe Project before heavy rain starts.


The crux of this project is last 9 moves. You keep hard moves without rest. All the holds looked dry. I was not energized but let myself go. Somehow I was keen and went through all moves smoothly. I mantled and stand on the terrace and clipped the chain. Wow! I made it😳🎉✨

西岳の岩壁にあるそのアイコニックなカンテを貫く美しいラインの完成した。そして僕のルートの左右には、 @平山ユージ@masa10477 のプロジェクトがある。さらにロウソク岩やその他のエリアで登られていないプロジェクトがあと12本。これから秋を迎え、初登ラッシュが来ることでしょう🎉収穫祭の始まりだ🌾🌰

The beautiful iconic arete route has completed! There are @平山ユージ and @masa10477 projects right and left of my route. And on candle rock or another areas, totally 12projects are waiting to be climbed from my friends. Autumn season will start! It’s harvest festival🎉

I will name and grade the route soon!

Photo by @maechan82kgclimber



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