エミリー・ハリントンのインスタグラム(emilyaharrington) - 9月2日 00時55分

Voting matters. I'm sure there are people reading this that, politically, I agree with, and others, I disagree with. But whatever your party or ideals or principles, we can at least agree on one thing: this planet is worth protecting. That's why I've already made a plan to vote in November. @protectourwinters has made a tool that helps you make sure you're registered, request mail-in or absentee ballots, and set reminders. Imagine if all 50 million people in the #OutdoorState united around our common ground, our passion for the outdoors, and voted to protect it. We could make a massive impact in the fight to save our playgrounds. Link in bio for the Make A Plan To Vote Tool. #CommonGround #MakeAPlanToVote // 📸 @tarakerzhner


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