エミリー・ハリントンのインスタグラム(emilyaharrington) - 8月20日 04時31分

💫 34 ⚡️ You know when you’re a kid and you imagine being in your mid thirties and you think: 1) That’s too far away to even ponder w any sincerity and 2) If I do ever get there I’ll certainly have my shit together. LOL. Well here I am seemingly all of the sudden 34 years old as of 2 days ago (Aug 17) and I’m still just here trying to figure out how to best spend time on this planet, how to do my taxes, and mostly how to be a good human. But damn I do love my life, my friends, my family, and (so far) the 30s seem to be the best decade. As well some things never change - ice cream will always be #1 🍦🥰. Thanks everyone for the bday wishes 💕 📸 @adrianballinger ❤️


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