下條ユリのインスタグラム(yurishimojo) - 7月12日 09時41分

Home = family
was always a mystery and a fear since I was a child. It was a dream / a fantasy for me. I worship and agonize over Home = Family.

As I grew up, I made my own Home several times. But at some point Home always broke like a phantom.

As a little girl, may be unconsciously, I learned how to protect my own realm from crazy ( adult's )world by drawing. May be that safe place is my Home with no expiration date.

You might know already, I have strong emotional attachment with my whimsical collection of memorabilia from families and friends around the world.

“Yuri Shimojo Presents Whimsical Watercolor Paintings of "Home Sweet Home" ~ Each work is comprised of animal and plant-like characteristics, with names like Mama and Ms. Gadget, as well as Monsoon, Vitamin C and Float. Delicate yet dynamic, her style is grounded in the practice of Japanese traditional theater and years spent with indigenous cultures around the world. “

I appreciated Gabrielle Leung description in @hypebeastart 🙏🏽

Ms. Gadget (2016)
Japanese watercolor on paper
12 1/4 × 8 3/8 in
31.1 × 21.3 cm

Available at link




そして、お気づきと思いますが、家族や世界中の友だちとの思い出がつまったヘンテコリンな小物にめっぽう感情移入、愛着執着が深いわたしです。 @HYPEBEAST の評で「whimsical な絵」と書いてもらったのは嬉しかったです。

10% of all profits will be donated to Creative Growth (@creativegrowth), the Oakland, California-based not-for-profit that serves artists with disabilities by providing a professional studio environment for artistic development, gallery exhibition, and representation. Donations will directly help the Creative Growth community stay connected, reducing social isolation in a vulnerable population.⁠

#YuriShimojo #WorkonPaper #CreativeGrowth #BenefitSale #Artsy #JapanesePaper
# Home #Family #Ms #Gadget


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