長洲未来のインスタグラム(mirainagasu) - 4月19日 06時18分

We’re all in this journey together and it’s so important that we support each other. I wanted to share my isolation routine and how I’m building a stronger me!
1) Exercise! Think of fun and inventive stay at home workouts
2) Eat well and prep your own food. It’s a great way to keep busy and get creative
3) Do something that keeps you feeling refreshed. I’m loving taking extra care of my skin right now, it’s so invigorating and keeps me feeling fresh. Would love to hear what fun suggestions you have for me! ---
#LUNAmini3 @FOREO #stayhome #spaathome #homeworkout


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



