Monday満ちるのインスタグラム(mondaymichiru) - 12月3日 09時31分

Music...composing, lyricizing (it's a made up word, live with it...),'s always a work in progress.
I am a big believer in workshops. I still remember being newly married and pregnant, going every Monday night to The Fez (no longer there...) to hear the Mingus Big Band, otherwise known as the Workshop, to hear my now ex play with them. There were times they were working on a newly arranged piece that hadn't quite jelled, and the chuckle and wry "It's a workshop!" comment that sometimes excused the obvious work-in-progress. Sometimes it was a little painful, hearing an otherwise renowned band of ace players miss the mark and wondering if the piece would ever come together. But most times it was exciting, to hear week by week an arrangement slowly blossom and suddenly click. The magic of that moment when we heard what the arranger was hearing, and it made sense.
So I welcome you to our LYRICISTS LOUNGE on December 8, Sunday, at 3pm. After four weeks of the STORYTELLERS WORKSHOP NYC Fall session which just concluded, we'd like to present what the participants worked on both during the sessions and individually. Come down to support and witness everyone's creative work!
Accompanying GREAT musicians: Misha Tsiganov, Freddie Bryant and Leo Traversa!


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