東京DANDYのインスタグラム(tokyodandy) - 11月21日 17時42分

Once upon a time, a sharp-toothed demon hid inside a young woman's vagina where, on her wedding night, the demon bit off her unfortunate husband's penis. After this happened a second time (ovbs different guy), the woman (by now probs quite frisky) sought help from a local blacksmith to forge a steel phallus to smash the teeth of the demon. This steel phallus is said to be enshrined within Kanayama Shrine in Kawaski, and in the Edo era, prostitutes would come here to pray for protection from sexually transmitted diseases.
A story that began as ancient Ainu folklore was reinvented in 1969 as the basis of the Kanamara Matsuri (Festival of the steel phallus). Each Spring, giant phalluses are paraded through the streets with a plethora of cock-shaped treats. Since the '80s, donations taken from the event have gone toward HIV awareness campaigns and charities.
An exploration into how history, folklore and myth have formed today's culture and beliefs is at the core of the photos I selected for #DISPSOABLESBOOK, link in bio.
#DISPOSABLES #Photobook #Myth #Folklore #Japan #Kawasaki #使い捨てカメラ #35mm #DispsoableCamera #日本 #川崎 #かなまら祭り #金山神社


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