Kishi Bashiのインスタグラム(kishi_bashi) - 11月15日 09時07分

(Excerpt from my celebrity judge speech ☺️)
Many of you will continue to struggle for validation all your life, and many of you will make a living in your chosen profession. it took me a very long time to realize that the more honest you are with yourself, the more powerful your vision connects with others. I wasted decades screaming for attention, struggling to create a masterpiece, when i realized that your art is really just a snapshot of your creative mind at that moment in your life. having that mentality will help you liberate the constraints of having to prove yourself over and over again.

I think as artists, musicians, songwriters, poets, etc, we can serve to find connection through our shared stories, shared trauma, and triumphs. artists are here to celebrate the traditions, inspire the present, and to project the future in ways that only human beings can.
So here we are, a competition. We’re all winners here (just kidding, there will be one winner tonight 🤓) . I take an iconoclastic view when putting value to art. Not much is sacred to me. Because we love heroes and stories, I think we often have the tendency to over idolize too much. When art becomes a commodity, then there will be salespeople to sell it. If you want to make a living as an artist or as a researcher, unfortunately, you must be your own salesperson first. As i like to remind myself, nobody cares more about your career than yourself.
so if you create something in a forest and nobody sees it, are you making art? I would say yes.
one could argue that art is also very personal, and that it’s like diary or journal: meant for no-one else but yourself as a way to reflect on your soul and workshop it, a much needed vacation from your daily troubles even. But when an artist realizes his/her unique ability to positively effect the lives of others, he/she becomes self aware of their importance to society and begins to project their visions outward. This to me is a kind of celebration that reminds us that our connection to our own humanity is in constant motion, and that we are always striving to be the most beautiful versions of ourselves and to inspire joy in others. @ugamusic @uga_arts


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