ソフのインスタグラム(soph_co_ltd) - 9月20日 12時26分

F.C.Real Bristol 2019-20 A/W Presents "From Bristol to Paris"
Music from...
"65’of love DJ CAM MIXED FOR SOPH."
(2005 Promotional used only. Not for sale. Manufactured & Distributed by MUSIC IS BEAUTIFUL / SOPH.co.,ltd.)
F.C.Real Bristolとともに様々なフットボールシティを巡る旅、今回の目的地はパリ。
今シーズンで20周年を迎えるF.C.Real Bristolのホームは言わずもがなイングランド南西部のブリストルだが、モードの中心地として名高いこの地にも知られざる“ルーツ”が存在する。
奇しくも同年にSOPH.をスタートさせた清永浩文が現地で見たもの。それが最上級のフットボールと、あらゆる街角でユニフォームをスタイリッシュかつ個性豊かに着こなすサポーターたちの姿だ。当時はまだ、フットボールとファッション、フットボールとストリートの繋がりが東京でもまだほとんど無かった。そんな時代において、パリの洗練されたフットボールカルチャーは翌99年のF.C.Real Bristol発足に多大な影響を与えることとなった。
欧州で最も多様なルーツを持つこの街の人々とF.C.Real Bristol 2019-20 A/W をミックスしたショートムービー。
*フルバージョンはSOPH.YouTubeチャンネル(www.soph.net YouTubeアイコン)より是非。
Visiting football cities with F.C.Real Bristol – Our destination for this time is Paris.
The home town of the club is of course Bristol but here in Paris, famous for being
centre of mode also has unknown “origin” of the club.
Back in 1998, the year of France won the FIFA World Cup, by a curious coincidence,Hirofumi Kiyonaga established SOPH. in the same year. He witnessed the world’s best performance and the football fans who wore their football shirts and kits in stylish and unique way on every corner of the streets in Paris.
The link between football and fashion as well as football and street culture were very obscure even in
Tokyo at that time.Therefore the sophisticated football culture scene which Kiyonaga experienced in
Paris gave so much influence on starting F.C.R.B. following year in 1999.
The football scene in Paris, you cannot miss when you talk about the history of the club is currently tinged with heat as never before.
Last year’s winning of World Cup, the shine of unlimited talented 20-year-old who contributed to the victory and the local club which has insatiable ambition for becoming the EU champion give this new movement to the football scene with no doubt.
#FCRB #FromBristolToParis #SOPHMOVIE #Paris #DjCam


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