テート・ギャラリーのインスタグラム(tate) - 2月12日 06時43分

#WorkoftheWeek is Agnes Martin's 'I Love the Whole World' 1999.

Agnes Martin described having ‘inspirations’ that catalysed the creation of each new work. Seeing the finished painting in her mind’s eye, she would translate this vision into reality, methodically measuring out the divisions of the canvas as she had seen them. However, as she said, ‘we can see perfectly, but we cannot do perfectly’, so while her ‘inspiration’ was perfect, the final painting always contained slight imperfections brought about by the human hand. Martin aimed at perfection in the full knowledge that she could not achieve it: ‘I hope I have made it clear that the work is about perfection as we are aware of it in our minds but that the paintings are very far from being perfect – completely removed in fact – as we ourselves are.’

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