ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 10月20日 09時26分

Photo by @ronan_donovan | A storm builds over Church Rock in New Mexico's Red Rock State Park. My church has always been a place without walls. Raised in rural Vermont, my parents never forced a man-made theology upon my brother and I. Instead, they allowed us to experience the physical world that wasn’t created by man. The thunder, the cold winters, the spotted salamanders, the spring peepers, the night sky, the goldfinches, ravens, evening grosbeaks, ruby-throated hummingbirds, the taste of wild blackberries, summer squash from the garden, and countless other life experiences that cannot be had indoors. If I worship any one thing, it would be the sun for it brings life to all things on Earth. I feel its warmth on my face, I long for its return in winter, I know its wrath when I expose my skin too it’s rays for too long, and I see the life it brings all over the world with my own eyes. I believe in what I see and what feels real to me. I worship healthy ecosystems because they bring life to us all. Where is your church?


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