テート・ギャラリーのインスタグラム(tate) - 10月8日 02時35分

#ArtWords: The British black arts movement was a political art group founded in 1982. The movement was inspired by anti-racist discourse which sought to highlight issues of race and gender and the politics of representation.
'In the House of My Father' is a close-up photographic image of Donald Rodney’s hand, in which sits a minute sculpture of a house. The sculpture exists as an independent work, My Mother. My Father. My Sister. My Brother 1996-7. It was constructed from pieces of Rodney’s own skin removed during one of the many operations he underwent to combat sickle cell anaemia, an inherited disease that affects people of African, Caribbean, Eastern Mediterranean, Middle Eastern and Asian ancestry. Both works address Rodney’s sense of family and identity, as a British-born artist whose parents had emigrated from Jamaica, as well as themes relating to mortality and his own illness. Sickle cell anaemia is a debilitating disease which causes high mortality rates in children and short life expectancy in adults.
Donald Rodney, In the House of My Father 1996–7, Tate collection #BlackHistoryMonth


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