ニューヨーク近代美術館のインスタグラム(themuseumofmodernart) - 8月21日 02時05分

The regal “Maiastra” is Constantin Brancusi’s first sculpture of a bird. Its title refers to a mythical creature from Romanian legend. A key component of the bird’s limestone perch began as a freestanding sculpture of two figures bearing a stone on their heads‚ called “Double Caryatid,” making this sculpture also the first time Brancusi incorporated an existing sculpture into a pedestal, a practice he would continue throughout his career. Now on view in #BrancusiMoMA.

[Artwork details: Constantin Brancusi. “Maiastra.” 1910-12. White marble, on three-part limestone pedestal of which the middle section is “Double Caryatid,” c. 1908. The Museum of Modern Art, New York. Katherine S. Dreier Bequest.© Succession Brancusi - All rights reserved (ARS) 2018. Photo: Denis Doorly]


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