ニューヨーク近代美術館のインスタグラム(themuseumofmodernart) - 5月23日 03時21分

While repainting an apartment, artist John Baldessari was struck by a conceptual exercise: “I used to occupy my mind as I was painting the wall just by saying to myself, now I'm painting a wall, now I'm making a painting...The physical activity was the same, I was just calling it differently each time. So I began to think about, well, what separated one from the other? Why was one different?” His video work, “Six Colorful Inside Jobs” (1977) explores the concept further, compressing six re-paintings of a room into intervals of about five minutes.
Experience this work in #TheLongRunMoMA
[Artwork details: John Baldessari. “Six Colorful Inside Jobs.” 1977. 16mm film transferred to video (color, silent). 32:53 min. Gift of Jerry I. Speyer and Katherine G. Farley, Anna Marie and Robert F. Shapiro, and Marie-Josée and Henry R. Kravis. © 2018 John Baldessari]


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