ニューヨーク近代美術館のインスタグラム(themuseumofmodernart) - 5月19日 00時04分

“...the basis for each image is the universality of our human experiences. I have chosen to share this message by using my personal cultural heritage and encounters with it as inspiration...” —Aida Muluneh (@aidamuluneh)
How do you use photography to investigate the self? We asked photographers now on view in “Being: #NewPhotography2018" to share the ideas and techniques that influence the exploration of personhood in their work. See their responses at mo.ma/newphoto2018

[Artwork details: #AidaMuluneh. “Strength in Honor.” 2016. Pigmented inkjet print. Courtesy the artist and David Knut Projects, New York and Johannesburg. © 2018 Aida Muluneh]


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