ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 5月8日 14時08分

Film by @kitracahana //
Stephane Alexis, 24, has put his own goals and aspirations on hold to help his parents care for his younger brother Torence, who has cerebral palsy. He spends upwards of 20 hours per week caring for Tor and has noticed the toll that caregiving can take mentally as well as physically. “It’s not an easy job. He needs you for everything, so you have to be taking care of him 24/7” Stephane says.

Young caregivers are an often overlooked population with millions of children and young adults caring for loved ones with little access to emotional as well as financial support.
Find the link for the full CBC short film - Caring for Tor on my Instagram account. @kitracahana

#youngcarer #youngcaregiver #cerebralpalsy #caregiving #caregiver #care #disability #ottawa #canada


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