ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 4月25日 17時12分

Photo @hammond_robin. A portrait of 84 year old Griet Seekoei who identifies as Bushman. She speaks Afrikaans and N/uu. She is one of the world's last four surviving N/uu speakers. Her mother spoke N/uu and her father N/uu, Tswana and Nama. There’s more diversity in Africa than on all other continents combined. That’s because modern humans originated in Africa and have lived there the longest. They’ve had time to evolve enormous genetic diversity - which extends to skin color. Researchers who study it sometimes use linguistic diversity - it has more than 2,000 languages - as a guide. I followed their lead, visiting five representative language communities. The Bushmen of South Africa was one of those communities. “There is no homogenous Africa race,” says geneticist Sarah Tishkoff of The University of Pennsylvania. “It doesn’t exist.” The prehistoric humans who left Africa some 60,000 years ago - giving rise over time to the other peoples of the world - reflected only a fraction of Africa’s diversity. I photographed Griet in South Africa for a special issue on race that @ナショナルジオグラフィック magazine published recently. You can see more from this project at @Hammond_Robin


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