ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 4月18日 23時45分

Image by @Joel Sartore | Chimpanzees like this one at @rolling_hills_zoo are humans’ closest living relatives-- we share up to 98 percent of the same DNA. Though we are not direct descendants of chimpanzees, evolutionary theory suggests we share a common ancestor, a creature that lived millions of years ago. Chimps exhibit many behavioral traits that link them to humans. They are highly social animals that use tools, communicate through facial expressions, and even grieve the passing of their loved ones.
Sadly, these beautiful creatures are disappearing from their natural habitats. Due to poaching, taking infants for the pet trade, and habitat encroachment, chimpanzees are now listed as Endangered. They’ve been completely eliminated from four countries within their historic range and are under increasing pressure in their remaining forest homes. To help save chimps and their habitats, try to consume less, recycle electronic devices like cell phones, and stay informed and vocal about the protection of the Congo Basin.
Check out @Joel Sartore for another image of this chimp!


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